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Often we only look where it is easy to see - "under the streetlight" - and that can mean that our job search is limited by our own myopia. 

Go back to the basics when confronted with a bad boss:  set clear expectations, give feedback, and come from a place of servant leadership. 

Coaching your employees - compared to mentoring and giving feedback - empowers them to be proactive and make their own decisions. 

People care more about relative value than absolute value- even when this isn’t economically rational.

We're much more likely to be "ok" with an outcome when we know the process that got us there....even if we don't necessarily agree with the outcome!

The hurt of losing $10 far outweighs the joy of finding $10.  Good to keep in mind if you're contemplating giving or taking away a bonus from a team member! 

Humans are strongly motivated by their desire to learn- as a manager  you must challenge your employees, expose them to new ideas and support innovative exploration!

Power messes with you! As you gain more power, you seek out people who are like you and your team members may feel less comfortable speaking out. 

March down the ladder of inference and have conversations from a place of data, not from a place of inference and assumption!

We're so self-centered! When we do great, we attribute it to our intrinsic brilliance; when we mess up, we blame it on our external environment. 

We like people who remind us of ourselves.  Great for finding new friends...

....But not so great to hire people who are just like us. 

Our brain codes feedback like it codes a saber toothed lion - as a threat to defend ourselves from!

You can love your mom, you can love your dog, but don't love your will never love you back. 

Goal-setting is tricky...goals can be more damaging than good if set poorly. 

Set super clear expectations with your team members because we often fall into the Dunning-Krueger trap where we underestimate the difficulty of a task when we're a beginner or an expert!

Why should you "manage up"?

Because we think our boss is thinking about us all the time - when in reality she is likely overloaded. 

It's scary when your tiny start-up scales and you begin to take on characteristics, processes, and structures of a big company. 

Why do people love a start-up culture? You're close to decision-makers, you feel like a unique individual, and communication of big decisions is often easy and quick. 

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Well-structured, clear feedback is critical to being a great manager and helping your team develop. It's even more important early in a team member's career. 

It's hard to learn how to "manage" through a single training session.  That's because managing well involves a whole bunch of different skills. 

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